Machaca, S; Ung, G; Brown, J. D.
Towards an understanding of the utility of dual-modality haptic feedback in teleoperated medical devices.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics. (Vol. 2, No. 4, Nov. 2020) View Abstract, BibTeX and Links
Humans normally integrate multiple haptic signals
during dexterous manipulation with the natural limb. Operating
telerobots such as surgical robots and upper-limb prostheses removes this multimodality feedback. While considerable research
has focused on single-modality haptic feedback and discrete
multimodality haptic feedback, little is known regarding the
utility of continuous multimodality feedback. Here, we present
an experimental framework designed to explore continuous multimodality haptic feedback for dexterous manipulation. Participants performed a grasp-and-hold task in a virtual environment
with either direct or myoelectric control under different haptic
feedback conditions: no feedback, vibrotactile feedback of object
slip, squeeze feedback of grip force, and combined vibrotactile
and squeeze feedback. Results from preliminary pilot studies
highlight the gap in knowledge surrounding the potential utility of
continuous multimodality feedback in differing telerobot control
@ARTICLE{9240977, author={S. {Machaca} and G. {Ung} and J. D. {Brown}}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics}, title={Towards an Understanding of the Utility of Dual-Modality Haptic Feedback in Teleoperated Medical Devices}, year={2020}, volume={2}, number={4}, pages={574-577}, doi={10.1109/TMRB.2020.3034254}}